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序幕的英文翻译 序幕英文怎幺说 序幕的英文例句





prologue [prәulɔg; (-) prәulɔ:g]



对美国人而言,珍珠港事件是第二次世界大战的序幕。For americans pearl harbor was the curtain raiser for world war ii.该鸣铃开始演出序幕了。It's time to ring up the curtain on the opening scene.后来,她与斯诺登伯爵离婚,掀开了王室一桩桩失败婚姻的序幕。Later her own divorce from lord snowdon heralded a cavalcade of failed royal marriages.花园州橄榄球季后赛揭开了赛季后的大学橄榄球赛的序幕。The garden state bowl kicks off the postseason college football games.那次边界事件仅证明了大规模入侵的序幕。The border incident proved to be just the prologue to a full-scale invasion.在悠扬的乐声中,拉开序幕:“飞天女神”在天宇飘蕩,将朵朵云花洒向人间……The prologue starts with a piece of melodious music with apsaras flying between colorful clouds.总统的死只能是内战的序幕。The death of the president could only be the prologue to civil war.从序幕发展高潮的悬疑Suspense building from the opening scene to the climax.一首歌揭开了演出的序幕。Training is a necessary preliminary to employment; drinks were the overture to dinner.一系列的内部斗争是全面内战的序幕。A series of internal struggles was the prologue tofull-scale civil war.这场争论被看作预定下星期二举行的谈判的序幕。The verbal skirmish is viewed as the opening round in negotiation schedules to start next tuesday.这些变化被视为大範围改革的序幕。The changes are seen as a prelude to wide-ranging reforms.


揭开...的序幕 lift the curtain on; raise the curtain on

