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至少的英文翻译 至少英文怎幺说 至少的英文例句




    at least
    (to say the) least

least [li:st]

    adj.最小的,最少的 adv.最少,最小

say [sei]

    v.说,讲,背诵,念,表示,比方说,假定 n.话语,想说的意见,发言权


像线一样,不过至少还有It's thready but it's still there.一项抽查显示那些柳橙至少有百分之五受到了污染。A spot check showed that at least five percent of the oranges were contaminated.一星期至少能挤一夸脱Good for at least a quart a week.一周至少两次。At least twice a week.伊拉克摩苏尔一派出所遭汽车炸弹袭击,至少12人死亡。At least a dozen people were killed in a car bomb attack in a police station in mosul iraq.以前你至少你还有些哲学头脑In the old days at least you'd philosophize于是摩西只好退而求其次,要求大家至少不可杀人,但是容许宰杀动物。Then moses desired that at least they should not kill men and he suffered them to kill beasts.于是那流行的偏见仍原封未动。或者说,至少到上周仍然如此。So the popular preconception remains intact.or did until last week.原子因,基团至少有一个游离电子的原子或一组原子An atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron.再次植入应在切除术后至少6个月。Delaying reimplantation till at least6months after resection.中专以上电子专业,至少有2年以上生产领班工作经验。Automation or electronical major in technical shool at least2years foreman working experience.


至少 at least

至少可以这样说 to say the least of it

至少可这样说 to say the least of it

