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血型的英文翻译 血型英文怎幺说 血型的英文例句




    blood group
    blood type

blood [blʌd]

    n.血,血液,血统 v.使(某人)先取得经验

group [gru:p]

    n.团体,组,团,群,批,[地]界,[化]基 v.聚合,成群

type [taip]

    n.类型,典型,模範,[印刷]活字,铅字 v.打字,测定(血等)类型


输血时供血者与受血者应是同一血型以防止凝集。In a transfusion donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.他们化验了你的血型。They tested your blood type.她属于罕见血型的人。She belongs to a rare blood group.型血是最常见的血型。Type o is the most common blood group.这种疾病是由母亲和孩子血型不相容而引起的。The disease is caused by blood group incompatibility between a mother and her child.最常考虑的是abo血型系统和rh血型系统。The abo blood-group system and rh blood-group system are among those most commonly considered.进行毒物学测试,同事鑒定血型Get a toxicology screening and I'm still gonna need to type it.人血型物质p_1的分离纯化及性质研究Separative purification of and characteristic research on human blood type substance p1血型不合也能导致肾小管损害和严重的少尿。Blood incompatibilities can also result in tubular damage and severe oliguria.


气质血型说 blood type theory of temperament

犯罪血型说 blood-type theory of crime

血型 blood group, blood type

血型抗原 blood group antigen

血型测定 blood grouping test; blood test

血型物质 blood-group substance

血型糖蛋白 glycophorin

血型系统 blood group system

血痕血型检验 blood grouping by bloodstain

