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值勤的英文翻译 值勤英文怎幺说 值勤的英文例句




    variant of 执勤|执勤

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


游行期间有100多名员警值勤。There were over 100 police on duty at the demonstration.员警在值勤时随时都可能碰到危险。A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.内务值勤人员,勤务兵被指派负责某一特定维持任务的士兵或士兵们The soldier or soldiers assigned to a specified maintenance duty.terry在值勤时被杀了Terry was killed in the line of duty.边防检查站的过境处有卫兵值勤。There are border guards at the checkpoint crossing.他是在值勤时死的He died in the line of duty.他值勤时曾一口气杀了6个人He's killed6in the line of duty.我们有一份炊事值勤表。We have a cooking rota.一天夜里,巴福尔黑德在值勤时无意中碰上一起抢劫杂货店事件。One night bufflehead while on duty accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store.有哨兵守望值勤的了望哨所。Look-out posts where sentries kept watch.这位员警在值勤时被杀害。The police officer was killed in the line of duty.最机灵的士兵被派到政府大厦值勤。The smartest men were told off guard duty at government house.值勤的特工可以证实。The secret service will confirm that.


值勤 point duty

值勤人员 military or police personnel on duty

值勤岗位 military or police post on point duty

值勤旗 guard flag

值勤时 in the line of duty

值勤期 tour of duty

大批地在户外值勤 be out in force

无夜勤的值勤制 day manning

日夜值勤 watch and ward

每日值勤表 daily duty sheet

海关值勤官员 customs officer on duty

