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知名的英文翻译 知名英文怎幺说 知名的英文例句




    well known

well [wel]

    n.井 vi.涌出 adj.健康的,良好的,适当的 adv.好,满意地,充分地,彻底地,有理地,适当地,夸奖地 int.唔,咳

known [nәun]

    adj.知名的,大家知道的 vbl.know的过去分词

famous [feimәs]



一个团员成了知名的钢琴家,另一个团员则在纳许维尔当公关宣传人员。One became a famous pianist and another became a publicist in nashville.一个知名的钢琴家将出席音乐会。A noted pianist will attend the concert.一天,一个世界知名的慈善机构的秘书,接到税务官的电话,电话中说:One day the secretary of a world-famous charity had a telephone call from a tax officer who said一位不知名的摄影师拍的照片Pictures taken by a nameless photographer用来贿赂知名政客或其他有影响力的官员的资金。Lo yists use slush fund to bribe public officials.有个大夫素以驾驶摩托车横冲直撞而知名。There was a doctor noted for his reckless motor driving.云雀文化艺术公司是我市知名的民办文化艺术公司。Skylark arts companies are doing our renowned arts companies.在被动模式下,其机体装甲和武器系统都折叠起来和主舱平行,在战斗模式下,它如同一朵知名的金属花一般绽放。In passive mode its body armor and weapons systems are folded flush to the primary hull.张家界已成为国内外知名的旅游胜地。Zhangjiajie has become well-known at home and abroad as a tourist destination.这个喜剧演员嘲弄地模仿了那个知名人士的样子。The comedian took off that well-known public figure.这家伙是个不知名的木匠The guy was a carpenter in the middle of nowhere.知名的教育家计画新的教学系统,Famous educators plan new systems of pedagogy


不知名的 unco; unnamed

企业知名度 recognition of an enterprise; reputation of an enterprise

提高知名度 publicity

知名人士 eminent person

知名人才 prominent figure

知名前辈 elder statesman

知名合伙人 public partner

知名商品 brand commodity; commodity of famous brands

知名度 popalarity

知名的 of distinction

