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三倍的英文翻译 三倍英文怎幺说 三倍的英文例句



[sān bèi]


triple [trip(ә)l]

    n.三倍数,三个一组 adj.三倍的 vt.三倍与 vi.增至三倍


上月的降雪是平常年份的三倍。Last month's snowfall was triple the average.十二是四的三倍数。Twelve is the triple of four.是同样字数的普通电报的三倍。Three times that of an ordinary telegram of the same length.他比常人强壮三倍。He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man.他的房间是我的房间三倍大。His room is thrice the size of mine.他给自己倒一杯三倍量的威士忌酒。He poured himself a triple whisky.甜菜三倍体杂交种中甜??吉洮302的选育The breeding of sugarbeet triploid hybrid zhongtian-jitao302我要了一杯三倍分量的酒。I asked for a treble.我愿出他们三倍的价钱。I'm willing to treble what they're offering.异教:如果你在世上屙出狗屎,你就会遇到三倍的狗屎。Paganism: if you send shit out into the world it will return to you threefold.允许使用linux容量扩大三倍的linux执行绪池。Linux thread pools allowing threefold improvements in linux capacity.这个病人像我,他是我三倍The patient's like me.the patient's three mes.这个房间是那间的三倍大。This room is thrice the size of that one.这是三倍的小费Here's triple the fare.


三倍 triplicity

三倍体 triploid

三倍倍频器 trebler

三倍器 tripler

三倍性 triploidy

三倍精度数 triple precision number

三倍膨胀发动机 n. triple expansion engine

三倍赔偿 treble damage

三倍量 triplication

增至三倍 triplication

推挽式三倍频器 push-pull tripler

电压三倍器 voltage tripler

速调管三倍频器 klystron triper

频率三倍器 frequency tripler

