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雪茄的英文翻译 雪茄英文怎幺说 雪茄的英文例句





cigar [si'ga:(r)]



火车车厢里坐满了抽雪茄的商人。The railway carriage was full of cigar-puffing businessmen.那杂种抽了你的雪茄Son of a bitch smoked your stogie.你在检测雪茄烟?You're testing for cigar smoke?他抽了我的雪茄?He smoked my stogie too?他的饭后雪茄;饭后散步。His postprandial cigar; took a postprandial walk.他一口口喷吸着他的雪茄。He puffed at his cigar.我从来没有抽过细长的雪茄I've never smoked a panatela.屋子里充满了一股陈旧的汗酸、涂抹油和雪茄烟的味道。The room stank of old sweat liniment cigar smoke.一筒,一斗雪茄等烟料的数量,用于装满一烟斗锅;一斗An amount of smoking material such as tobacco needed to fill the bowl of a pipe; a pipeful.有人把铊注入了雪茄里Someone injected the thallium into the cigar.在那个金冠雪茄俱乐部的锁柜里It's in a lockbox at the corona de oro cigar club.


古巴雪茄烟 Cuban tobacco

味美思雪茄 Vermouth cigar

哈瓦那雪茄 Havana cigar

哈瓦那雪茄烟 Havana

哈瓦那雪茄烟烟芯用烟叶 Havana

天坛雪茄 Temple of Heaven cigar

小雪茄 cigarillo

巧克力雪茄 chocolate cigar

比利时雪茄 Belgium cigar

淡色雪茄烟 claro

牙买加雪茄 Jamaica cigar

白雪茄烟 white cigar

荷兰雪茄 Holland cigar

金驼雪茄 Golden Camel cigar

雪茄刀 cigar knife

雪茄形的 cigar shaped

雪茄烟 cigar

雪茄烟切刀 cigar cutter

雪茄烟包装纸 cigar wrapping paper

雪茄烟叶 cigar tobacco

雪茄烟盒 cigar case

雪茄烟管 cigar tube

雪茄烟纸 cigar wrapping paper

雪茄盒 cigar box

雪茄香精 cigar flavour

黄山雪茄 Yellow Mountain cigar

黄陵雪茄 Huang Ling cigar

