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指挥系统的英文翻译 指挥系统英文怎幺说 指挥系统的英文例句




    chain of command

chain [tʃein]

    n.链(条),[常 pl.] 镣铐,一连串,一系列 vt.用链条拴住

command [kә'ma:nd; (-) kә'mænd]

    n.命令,掌握,司令部 v.命令,指挥,克制,支配,博得,俯临


考虑和实施关于统一指挥系统的培训。Consider and implement training concerning the unified command system.你的指挥系统多给了他两名人质Your chain of command just gave danny roman2more hostages.你已经处于你恰当的指挥系统之外了。You're outside your appropriate chain of command.让我来告诉你们指挥系统是怎幺运行的Let me expiain how the chain of command works.为什幺在现场内和指挥系统内没有体现紧迫性?Why was there no sense of urgency on the playing field or with in the command system?我们有我们的指挥系统We have a chain of command.自上而下的层层指挥系统。A vertical chain of command.


事故指挥系统 incident command system

以厂长为首的生产行政指挥系统 chain of command in production headed by factory director

作战指挥系统 aperational control system

厂长为首的生产技术、经营、管理指挥系统 organization of leadership and control of production technology and management headed by the factory director

垂直指挥系统 vertical command system

指挥系统 chain of command; command system

海军指挥系统后勤活动 navy command systems support activity

消防指挥系统 fire command system

生产指挥系统 chain of command in production

生产行政指挥系统 chain of command in production

空中警戒指挥系统 air warning and control system

纯指挥系统 pure line organization system

自动化指挥系统 automated command system

