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吃不下的英文翻译 吃不下英文怎幺说 吃不下的英文例句



[chī bù xià]

    not feel like eating
    be unable to eat any more

feel [fi:l]

    vt.摸,触,试探,感觉,觉得,触摸,以为 vi.有知觉,(人)有某种感觉,摸索,同情 n.感觉,觉得,触摸

like [laik]

    n.爱好,同样的人(或物) adj.相似的,同样的 vt.喜欢,希望,愿意 vi.喜欢,希望 prep.象,如同 adv.可能

eating [i:tiŋ]

    n.吃,食物 adj.食用的,可生食的

unable [ʌn'eib(ә)l]


eat [i:t]


more [mɔ:(r)]

    adj.更多的 n.更多 adv.更,更多,更加,超过,多,大大高于 num.更多


谢谢你, 我真的再也吃不下了。Thank you, I couldn't possibly eat any more.她把椅子从餐桌处向后挪了挪, 再也吃不下了。She pushed her chair back from the table, satiated.我看我再也吃不下了。I couldn't manage (ie eat) another thing, I'm afraid.不要在两顿饭之间吃糖果, 以免吃不下饭。Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals.他愁得吃不下饭。Anxiety has taken away his appetite.我现在吃不下去! 她喊着"I can't eat now!" she cried. But she took some coffee and began to drink.一小块就够了,不然下一道菜来我就吃不下了。A small piece is enough, or I shall not have room for the next course.我一点也吃不下,肚子都鼓起来了。I can't eat any more; my stomach is bulging.我一点儿也吃不下了,肚子都鼓起来了。I can't eat any more. My stomach's bulging.妈妈洗完这些牛皮就吃不下饭去。By the time mama finished washing the "cowhide" she never had any appetite.他们知道,牢笼里的人忧郁沮丧时连饭也吃不下。They knew that when blue devils had seized the inmates of these cages they could not eat.

