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学徒的英文翻译 学徒英文怎幺说 学徒的英文例句



[xué tú]


apprentice [ә'prentis]

    n.学徒 v.当学徒


从学徒到成为车匠要10年的时间It takes10years to make a journeyman wheelwright.该印刷厂雇了少量的满师学徒工和学徒。The printing press employed a small number of journeymen and apprentices.他被送去当印刷业者的学徒。He was apprenticed to a printer.他在钢铁厂,当了六年学徒。He serves a six-year apprenticeship in the steel work.许娇容:员外爷,您真是贵人多忘事啊,前些时候我不是跟你提起过的吗?我这兄弟就是到庆余堂跟你作学徒的。J: maybe you have a bad memory. Didn't I tell you that my brother came to be your prentice.许仙:当学徒?学的是什幺?X: prentice? What will I learn from him?学徒训练包括(工作外的)理论培训吗?Was theoretical training undertaken off-the-job as part of the apprenticeship?英国的现代学徒制度。The modern apprentice system in u.k.这男孩是一个银匠的学徒。The boy was apprenticed to a silversmith.


做学徒 apprenticeship

商业学徒 commercial apprentice

学徒 apprentice

学徒制度 apprenticeship system

学徒合同 contract of apprenticeship

学徒工 apprentice

学徒年限 period of apprenticeship

学徒期满 take up his indentures; taken up her indentures; took up her indentures

学徒期满的职工 journey man

学徒期间 apprenticeship

学徒期限 tirocinium

学徒的学习期限 apprenticeship

学徒训练 apprenticeship training

学徒身份 pupilage; pupillage; pupillarity; servitude

安排...学徒 bind to

当...的学徒 be apprenticed to

订契约使...当学徒 bind out

跟...做学徒 serve her apprenticeship with; serve his apprenticeship with; serve my apprenticeship with; serve our apprenticeship with; serve their apprenticeship with; serve your apprenticeship with

