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至关重要的的英文翻译 至关重要的英文怎幺说 至关重要的的英文例句



[zhìguānzhòngyào de]


vital [vait(ә)l]



ssc在伤害性和非伤害性躯体感觉传导过程中起着至关重要的作用。The ssc plays a crucial role in the noxious and nonnoxious somatosensory processing.创造力-这对于优秀的组织核心来说是至关重要的。Creativity-this is crucial for a good playmaker.美国在中东一直有很多至关重要的利益。The united states has had many vital interests in the middle east.容格观察了腓利门和其他幻想的人物,带来了至关重要的洞察力。Jung observed that philemon and other figures of his fantasies brought home to crucial insights.文摘:兴趣培养和情感教育在教学中起着至关重要的作用。Abstract: development of interest and inner motive is the most important task in teaching.这个家、这幢小房子和特威克纳姆这一带,才是对我至关重要的。The family the cottage and twickenham were all that mattered to me.至关重要的情报在某个时候被隐瞒了。Somewhere along the line vital information has been withheld.


不是至关重要的是 it be not imperative that; it can not be imperative that; it may not be imperative that; it must not be imperative that; it should not be imperative that; it will not be imperative that; it would not be imperative that

对...是至关重要的事 be all the world to

至关重要的是 it be imperative that; it can be imperative that; it may be imperative that; it must be imperative that; it should be imperative that; it will be imperative that; it would be imperative that

