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趾高气扬的英文翻译 趾高气扬英文怎幺说 趾高气扬的英文例句




    high and mighty (idiom); arrogant

high [hai]

    n.高度,高处 adj.高的,高原的,高等的,高音的,傲慢的,高尚的,昂贵的,严重的 adv.高度地,奢侈地,高价地

mighty [maiti]

    n.有势力的人 adj.有势力的,强大的,有力的 adv.很,极,非常

idiom [idiәm]


arrogant [ærәgәnt]



贵族对待平民趾高气扬不可一世。The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.他像一只骄傲的孔雀一样在我前面趾高气扬地走着。He strutted in front of me like a peacock.狂妄自大、趾高气扬的态度A swaggering, cocky manner.自他母亲死后,他就不再趾高气扬了。After his mother died he came down off his high horse.他英语考了满分,于是便趾高气扬起来。He got a fell mark in English and lifted up his horn.在这种趾高气扬的新姿态背后,中国的一切也并非都在按照计画进行。Behind the new-found swagger not all went according to plan in china.当然,这也正是让健康专家们耿耿于怀的某种趾高气扬。That of course is just the sort of cockiness that rankles with health pundits.他那幺趾高气扬,我真瞧不起他!He acts so high and mighty; I despise him!他这几天趾高气扬的。He is on his high horse these days.近来的成功使他趾高气扬。His recent successes puffed him up.他这人时而低声下气,时而趾高气扬。He is one day humble and the next day on the high ropes.我们得倾听趾高气扬的男子讲述他们勇敢的事蹟。We had to listen to puffed-up males telling their stories of bravery.


趾高气扬 above herself; above himself; above hisself; above myself; above ourselves; above themself; above themselves; above yourself; above yourselves; high and mighty; hold one''s head high; on her high horse; on his high horse; on my high horse

趾高气扬的人 smart slec

