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致富的英文翻译 致富英文怎幺说 致富的英文例句




    to become rich

become [bi'kʌm]

    vi.变成,成为,变得 vt.适合,相称

rich [ritʃ]



但是对于媒体来说,这桩王室婚姻却成了他们的致富之源。But for the media it was a golden bonanza.丰富:使丰富的行为或被充实被致富的状态。Enrichment: the act of enriching or the state of being enriched.快速致富、靠并购成长的策略可能充满风险。A get-rich-quick growth-by-acquisition strategy can be rife with risk.那些想一夜致富的人最好去搞石油,不要搞木材。The a get-rich-quick people had better try oil or something other than timber.所有的印尼华人都是不正当致富的吗?Are all indonesian chinese filthy-rich?她鄙视20世纪80年代的暴发致富心态。She despised the get-rich-quick mentality of the1980s.我需要一个快速致富的计画。I need to find a get-rich-quick scheme.这位部长透过贪污受贿致富。The minister became rich through graft.这小孩将会成名致富。This child will rise to fame and fortune.资本家靠榨取工人创造的剩余价值而致富。Capitalists batten on the surplus value created by workers.


借...致富 fatten on

发家致富 build up family fortunes; get rich; build up family wealth; make one''sown way

投机致富的 get rich; getrich; getrichquick

暴发致富 shook the pagoda tree

由贫致富 from rags to riches

脱贫致富 cast off poverty and become better off; banish poverty and become prosperous; escape poverty towards well-off conditions; alleviate poverty and become prosperous

