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值得注意的是的英文翻译 值得注意的是英文怎幺说 值得注意的是的英文例句



[zhídézhùyì de shì]

    it's worth noting that...

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术

worth [wә:θ]

    prep.相当...价值 n.价值,财产 adj.值钱的,值的看中的


值得注意的是,所有的蜘蛛,包括八眼巨蛛在内,都对蛇怪无比恐惧,远甚于它们恐惧任何其他动物。Note that all spiders including acromantulas fear the basilisk above all other living things.值得注意的是法律上经常使用合理预见这一概念。It can be noted that the concept of reasonable foreseeability is used often by the law.值得注意的是根瘤中出现血红蛋白。The occurrence of hemoglobin in root nodules is notable.值得注意的是先驱者一词。It is the word pioneer that arrests us.


不值得注意的是 it be not notable that; it be not note worthy that; it be not worth notice that; it be not worth noting; it can not be notable that; it can not be note worthy that; it can not be worth notice that; it can not be worth noting

值得注意的是 it be notable that; it be note worthy that; it be worth notice that; it be worth noting; it can be notable that; it can be note worthy that; it can be worth notice that; it can be worth noting; it is noteworthy that; it is worth notice that

