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车胎的英文翻译 车胎英文怎幺说 车胎的英文例句





tire [taiә(r)]

    n.疲劳,劳累,轮胎,头饰 vt.使疲倦,使厌烦,梳理 vi.疲劳,厌倦


昨天我的车胎又刺破了——那是我生活中经常出现的事!I had another puncture yesterday-that's the story of my life!在我回家的路上,我的车胎跑气了。I got a flat on my way home.有些骑自行车的人带修理工具,因为他们车胎可能小孔。Some cyclists carry repair outfits because they may have a puncture.方鸿渐给鲍小姐看得自尊心像洩气的橡皮车胎。Meanwhile fang's self-esteem had deflated like a rubber tire under miss pao's glance.胎面花纹车胎的有沟槽的表面The grooved face of a tire.在离家一英里处车胎被扎破了。The tire punctured a mile from home.警报器呜呜呜叫,车胎吱吱作响。Sirens whooped and tyres screeched.汽车胎沾上油就会毁坏。If any oil gets on the car tyres it will perish them.他示範如何修补车胎刺孔。He demonstrated how to mend a puncture.他一直在修补车胎。He is mending the tyre continuously.我从基尔开车回来时车胎给扎了个孔。Ihad a puncture when I was driving back from keele.我听到车胎在路面打滑的刺耳尖声。I heard a screech of tyres skidding on the road surface.这旧车胎爆了。The worn tire blew out.


公共汽车胎 autobus tyre

双轮车胎气压錶 dual wheel tire gauge

汽车车胎 automobile tire

液压三层自行车胎硫化机 hydraulic 3-deck cycle tyre vulcanizing press

留下车胎痕 laid a patch

自行车胎硫化压机 cycle tyre vulcanizing press

自行车车胎 bike tire

车胎 tire

车胎低气压表 balloon tire gauge

