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    gills of fish

fish [fiʃ]

    n.鱼,鱼肉,鱼类,接合板 vt.钓,钓鱼,查出,用接合板连接 vi.捕鱼,钓鱼,用钩捞取,间接探听,拉摸索寻找


鱼的鳃和猫的肺是类似物。The gill of a fish is the analogue of the lung of a cat.鱼用鳃来代替肺。Fish have gills instead of lungs.在水中垂直悬浮的能缠住鱼鳃的平网。A flat net suspended vertically in the water to entangle fish by their gills.长有黑嘴和鳃孔的小型海生鱼。Small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity.滨海水域中有鳃盖骨的海螺,螺壳短而呈螺旋形。Operculate seasnail of coastal waters with a short spiral shell.它们有一条推进用的尾巴,咽及鳃裂。Iv.they present a propulsive tail pharynx and branchial openings.


上行鳃板 ascending lamella

上鳃骨 epibranchial bone

下行鳃板 descending lamella

下鳃盖骨 subopercular bone

下鳃肌 hypobranchial muscle

下鳃骨 hypobranchial bone

丝状鳃 trichobranchiate

侧鳃 pleurobranchia

假鳃 pseudobranch

入鳃动脉 afferent branchial artery

入鳃水沟 ingalant branchial canal

全鳃 holobranch

关节鳃 arthrobranchia

出鳃动脉 efferent branchial artery

出鳃水沟 exhalant branchial canal

前鳃盖骨 preopercular bone

半鳃 hemibranch

口鳃窗 oralobranchial fenestra

口鳃腔 oralobranchial chamber

叶状鳃 phyllobranchiate

叶鳃 phyllode

后鳃体 ultimobranchial body

咽鳃骨 pharyngobranchial bone

围鳃腔 atrium

围鳃腔孔 atriopore

基鳃骨 basibranchial bone

尾鳃 caudal gill尾鳃

心鳃沟 branchio-cardiac groove

心鳃脊 branchio-cardiac carina

曳鳃动物 priapulid, Priapulida 拉)

