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直到的英文翻译 直到英文怎幺说 直到的英文例句





until [ʌn'til]

    prep.到...为止,在...以前 conj.到...为止,在...以前,直到...才


下面餐馆里欢闹的杂讯使他直到下半夜都不能入睡。The noise of hilarity in the restaurant below kept him awake until the small hours.一遍又一遍,直到他们感觉一切与生俱来Over and over and over til they think they were born that way.一时间,他竟荒唐地想像着爱丽丝和自己一起居住在这个山谷,直到永远。For a crazy moment he imagined alice with himself living in the mountain valley together.always.一直按住旋转开关,直到关闭遮阳板和天窗。Keep the rotary switch pressed until the sun blind and the roof are closed.一直到半夜,他还合不上眼。At midnight he was still wide-awake.一直到第一次世界大战时美国苛性钾的生产才扩大开来。Potash production in the united states was not developed until world war i.一直到史坦顿岛的洋房To the split-levels in staten island


一直到 as late as; down to; went down to

一直到...为止 right up untill

保留直到 save till

思考...直到得出结论 thought through

直到 down to

直到...才 unless and until

直到千秋万代 over age

直到最后 to the last

直到最近 until quite recently; until recently; until tecently

直到现在 until now; until till now; up to date; up to now

直到目前为止 up to this point

直到这时候 at this time day

直到那时 until then

色泽渐浅直到消失 tone off

