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车速的英文翻译 车速英文怎幺说 车速的英文例句




    vehicle speed

vehicle [vi:ik(ә)l; (-) 'vi:hikl]


speed [spi:d]

    n.迅速,速度,速率 v.加快,速飞,飞跑


拆卸制动盘、驻车制动器蹄及车速感测器。Remove brake disc parking brake shoes and speed sensor.拆卸制动盘和车速感测器。Remove brake disc and speed sensor.车速感测器导线存在断路。Open circuit in leads of speed sensor.高速公路上驾车速度应保持稳定。One should drive a car at a steady rate on the superhighway.过路的司机都车速放慢,伸长脖子看车祸。Passing drivers slowed down to rubberneck at the accident.交通条件是指行车速度及道路的拥挤状况。Traffic conditions refer to the running speed and congestion on the road.路段旅客列车设计行车速度与最小曲线半径:The designed train operation speed of passenger train and minimum radius of curve:修理车速感测器和导线。Repair speed sensor and lead.摘要以交通流理论为基础,用车速和车流密度来描述车流的运行状态。Based on traffic flow theory speed and density is used to describe traffic movement.


临界车速 critical speed

他踩下油门加快车速 put one''s foot down

倒车速率 astern speed

列车速度检测仪 train speed monitoring device

加快车速 step on the juice

安全趋近车速 safe approach speed

平均车速 average speed

数位式汽车速度表 digital automobile tachometer

最高车速 maximum speed

期望车速 desired speed

机车速度表 locomotive speedmeter

汽车经济车速 vehicle economical speed

汽车速度表试验台 speedometer tester

汽车速度计 metrograph

监督汽车速度的员警 speed cop

经济车速 economic speed

自由流车速 free flow speed

行程车速 travel speed, journey speed

计算行车速度 design speed又称"设计车速"。

试车速度 n. trial speed

车速 speed

车速表 speedometer

车速限制 speed limit

车速高达 surge to

运行车速 operating speed

