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车票的英文翻译 车票英文怎幺说 车票的英文例句





ticket [tikit]



只售瀋阳以远的车票。Only tickets for shenyang and beyond are available.只需要花一个人的车票钱Half price with a seor bus pass.包括缆车票、滑雪器具租用费和所有税钱。饭费不包在内。Your lift ticket ski rental and all doesn't include your meals.不小心将自己的车票掉在月台上。Dropped his ticket on the platform当我们通过入口进入月台时,验票员会在我们的车票打孔。The ticket inspector will punch our tickets when we walk through the entrance to go to the platform.还有去墨西哥城的车票Bus ticket to mexico city.回孟买的火车票…A return ticket to mumbai...火车票?票根呢?Train ticket? Ticket stub?进车厢时不小心把自己的车票掉在月台上了。Dropped his ticket on the platform as he got into the carriage.李先生有车票吗?Does mr.lee have the ticket?收票员用打洞器检查车票。The ticket collector used a puncher to check the tickets.双程车票只在山顶及花园道缆车总站发售。Return ticket will be on sale at the peak terminal and garden road terminal.我订了头等卧铺车票。I booked a first-class sleeper.我要去tampere的车票I need tickets to tampere.我要一张今晚去巴黎的单程车票。I need a single ticket to paris tonight.


伪造的车票 forged vehicle tickets

倒卖车票 scalp train tickets

公共客车票价 bus ticket price

国际联运旅客车票 passenger ticket for international through traffic

定期车票 season ticket

客运包车票 charter bill

小型客车票价 ticket price of mini bus

快车票 express ticket

折价车票 cheap ticked

旅游客车票价 tourist bus ticket price

旅行免费车票 trip pass

旅行车票 excursion ticket

火车票 railway ticket

车票 ticket

车票有效期 ticket availability

车票盖销机 ticket cancelling machine

长期车票 commutation ticket

长期车票客流 commuter movement

