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车身的英文翻译 车身英文怎幺说 车身的英文例句




    body of automobile

body [bɔdi]

    n.身体,肉体,人,尸体,主要部分,团体,大量 vt.赋以形体

automobile [ɔ:tәmәbi:l]

    n.汽车(=motor car,car)


移动mig焊机在车身修理工作期间用于焊接和点焊操作。Mobile mig welder for welding and spot welding during body repair work.应预留较多空位给伸出车身的配件,如车旁的倒后镜等。Parts of your vehicle may overhang such as mirrors if so allow more room.用布清洁侧面靠近车轮罩的橡胶套,并将其安装到车身中。Clean rubber sleeve at the side close to the wheel housing with a cloth and fit it into the body.用抹刀拆下硬顶车身的绝缘体。Undo the insulation of the hardtop body using a spatula.用抹刀鬆开硬顶车身的吸音器。Loosen the sound absorber of the hardtop body using a spatula.用于车身板件的锯齿修整器:Saw set for body parts:最快的汽车、机和火车的车身都是流线型的。The fastest automobiles airplanes and trains have streamline bodies.


倾卸车身 dumping body

全钢车身 all-steel body

单片式汽车车身 unibody

卡车车身和设备协会 Truck Body and Equipment Association

整体车身 unit body unitized body

斜背车身汽车 fast back car

汽车车身保险 motor hull insurance

汽车车身用钢板 motor-car body sheet

汽车车身的设计与製造 coachbuilding

汽车车身薄钢板轧机 autobody sheet mill

车身 car body

车身製造厂 coachbuilder; coachmaker; body builder

车身製造者 body builder

车身广告画 dash sign

车身底板 deck

车身承梁 body bolster

车身矫正机 body and frame straightener

车身螺栓 carriage bolt

车身设计 body design

车身车间 body shop

载重车车身 truck body

轿车车身测量整形机 body and frame measure and correct system

高度流线型车身 cowl

