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血汗的英文翻译 血汗英文怎幺说 血汗的英文例句



[xuè hàn]

    blood and sweat
    sweat and toil

blood [blʌd]

    n.血,血液,血统 v.使(某人)先取得经验

sweat [swet]

    n.汗 v.(使)出汗


如今他还能靠榨取雇员的血汗来养肥自己吗?Can he still batten upon the blood of the employees nowadays?我们要吃饭。万恶的企业、工头不顾民工的死活,剥削了我们辛苦一年的血汗钱。We need dining because corporation and capataz deprived our pay.杜桑普森,总部设在纽约市,大头针塑胶娃娃,为“中国血汗工厂”。Elsie sampson based in new york city tacks plastic dolls into "chinese sweatshop."纺织工业在一定程度上仍旧依赖血汗劳动。The textile industry still relies to some extent on sweated labour.洛城是低薪高强度的血汗工厂之都啊L.a.'s the sweatshop capital of the world.他在一家血汗工厂做了三年才找到一份像样的工作。He spent three year in a sweatshop before he find a decent job.我把血汗还有青春都奉献在这里了。I've put my blood sweat and old nose into this place.我在那臭味薰天的血汗工厂中整天工作。I work my ass off in that stinking sweatshop all day long.这下麵本来有个血汗工厂There s a whole sweatshop down there.


榨取工人血汗的雇主 sweater

榨尽...的血汗 bled white; bleed white

血汗劳动 sweat labor

血汗劳动制 sweating system

血汗工人 sweated labor

血汗工厂 sweatshop

血汗工资制度 sweat wage system

