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削的英文翻译 削英文怎幺说 削的英文例句



    to scrape

scrape [skreip]

    n.刮,擦,擦痕,刮擦声,困境 vi.刮掉,擦掉,刮出刺耳声 vt.刮,擦,擦伤,挖成


他是个瘦削的少年。He is a lanky teenager.他愿削价把那幅画卖给我。He offered the painting to me at a reduced price.为了削减过多的人员,我们精简了一些职员。We have make some staff redundant to reduce overman.先把凤梨切开,然后削皮。Split the pineapple before peeling it.先削皮,然后切片。Peel them first and then slice them.一种要求削减经费和紧缩开支的气氛。An atmosphere of cutbacks and retrenchment.


三极管削波器 triode clipper

三轴切削机床 three-axis turning machine

不剥削他人的个体经济 nonexploitative individual businesses

不受剥削的自由 freedom from being exploited

不顾血本地削价 predatory price cutting

中度削凿加工的 medium pointed

中心削波 center slicing

中间剥削 exploitation by middleman

为打挎竞争对手不顾血本地削价 predatory price cutting

乳化切削油 emulsified cutting oil emulsion cutting oil

产权平均值的减低,产权削弱 equity dilution

人剥削人 exploitation of man by man

人剥削人的制度 system of exploitation of man by man

从...处削减 lop off

从...处削减掉 trim from

伐根削片机 stump chipper, stump cutter

伸缩的关税削减法 concertina method of tariff reduction

修削刀 paring tool

停业削价出售 close business sale

光性屈光性角膜切削术 photorefractive keratectomy, PRK

全树削片机 whole-tree chipper

全面削减 across-the-board cut

准分子镭射屈光性角膜切削术 eximer laser photorefractive keratectomy

切削 cutting

切削刀 n. cutting edge

切削刀具 cutting tool

切削刀片 n. cutting tip

切削刀痕 n. cutter mining

切削刃 n. cutting edge

切削到应有的尺寸 cut to size

