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炫耀的英文翻译 炫耀英文怎幺说 炫耀的英文例句




    to show off
    to flaunt

show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映

flaunt [flɔ:nt]

    n.招展,招摇,炫耀,飘扬 v.挥动,夸耀,炫耀,飘扬


一些暴发户想要吃平凡人吃不到的东西,以炫耀自己很有钱。Some nouveau riche want to eat what ordinary people cannot eat in order to show off their wealth.以粗俗或者炫耀的样子装饰。Ornamented in a vulgar or showy fashion.用独一无二的附件装饰您的驾驶室外部并不是自我炫耀。Fitting your cab exterior with exclusive accessories does not make you a show-off.有时,并不是为了奖品,而是为了满足在上台炫耀的欲望。Sometimes it's not about the prize but my desire to strut my stuff on stage.有时他也许有点爱炫耀,但他的心还是好的。He may be a bit of a show-off sometimes but his heart is in the right place.在其他国家,那些有地位的人可能会过一种炫耀的无所事事的生活。In other countries those with hereditary wealth may lead lives of ostentatious indolence.在演唱会中,他自豪地炫耀劳动成果,炫耀好听但还未完成的作品。He proudly flaunted the fruits of his labour during the concert showing off a well-toned torso.这里的人从不炫耀自己有钱。People around here don't swank about their money.专门人员使用的不可理解的或者炫耀的行话。Incomprehensible or pompous jargon of specialists.自命不凡的;爱炫耀的自负而武断的或自命不凡的;爱炫耀的Pompously dogmatic or self-important; pretentious.自我炫耀的作家、书、文风。A pretentious writer book style


不炫耀 hide her light under a bushel; hide his light under a bushel; hide my light under a bushel; hide our light under a bushel; hide their light under a bushel; hide your light under a bushel

为了炫耀 for show

炫耀 make a parade of; show off; shown off

炫耀光栅 blazed grating

炫耀地出示 trot out

炫耀性消费 conspicuous consumption

炫耀性生产 conspicuous production

炫耀自己 put on an act

