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成性的英文翻译 成性英文怎幺说 成性的英文例句




    to become second nature
    by nature

become [bi'kʌm]

    vi.变成,成为,变得 vt.适合,相称

second [sekәnd]

    n.秒,片刻,第二者,第二人,助手,次货,二等品 adj.另一个,又一个 num.第二 vt.赞成,支持

nature [neitʃә(r)]



这个男孩脑子十分好,但就是懒惰成性,不肯学习。The boy has a good enough brain but he's bone idle and won't study.但现在年老力衰,酗酒成性... But now old and sotted.掠夺成性的女暴发户们的客厅。The drawing-rooms of predatory new-rich women.面向并行工程的製造执行系统在功能结构上具有系统可重构性、系统可扩展性、系统可集成性和即时性。Based on it the mes can be reconfigured extended integrated and realizes real-time operation.你势利成性而不能自拔。You're a prisoner of your own snobbery.如你所知,“吸血成性”…As you may know vampirism is...他嗜赌成性,最后输光了自己的祖产。Gambling became second nature to him and he finally lost his ancestral estate.一个柔弱的文明对那些掠夺成性的自由人来说是一份长期有效的请帖。A servile civilization is a standing invitation to predatory free men.在上海市世界外国语小学,我们既有形成性评价也有终结性评价。At shanghai world foreign language primary school we have both formative and summative assessments.政客们常被斥为扯谎成性。Politicians are often accused of mendacity.止痛药能造成性高潮吗?Could pain medication cause an orgasm?


可构成性 constructibility

成性腺细胞瘤 gonadoblastoma

早成性 precocialism

晚成性 altricialism

构成性 constitutive character

构成性承认 constitutive recognition

构成性规範 constitutive norms

流氓成性者 incorrigible rogue

盗窃成性 thievishness

红细胞生成性原卟啉病 erythropoietic protoporphyria

组成性异染色质 constitutive heterochromatin

诺成性民事法律行为 consensual civil juristic act

