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纸条的英文翻译 纸条英文怎幺说 纸条的英文例句



[zhǐ tiáo]

    slip of paper

slip [sliP]

    n.滑倒,事故,片,纸片;vi.滑动,滑倒,失足,减退;vt.使滑动,滑过,摆脱,闪开,塞入;adj.滑动的,活络的,有活结的;Serial Line Interface Protocol,串列线路介面协定

paper [peipә(r)]

    n.纸,报纸,文件,证件,论文,考卷 vt.用纸糊(墙壁等),用纸包装 adj.纸的,象纸的,纸上的


听过一匹叫蓝纸条的马吗Know anything about a horse named blue note?这倒真是张粉红纸条Hey this looks like a for-real pink slip.只有一张lj的纸条说他们在一起Just a note from lj saying he's with her还写了那幺个诽谤的纸条…And then write that slanderous note...将那纸条保存在安全的地方作为购买的凭证。Keep that slip somewhere safe as proof of purchase.将那纸条收据保存在安全的地方作为购买的凭证。Dated keep that slip also receipt somewhere safe as proof of purchase.将资讯自动印在“现字纸条”上的收报机。Paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints.利用纸条选择性吸附的层析过程。Chromatography that uses selective adsorption on a strip of paper.如果您将会使用装货纸条,请将它贴在与位址标籤相同的包裹表面上。If you are using a packing slip place it on the same surface of the package as the address label.送出一些感谢的纸条或生日卡片。Send thank-you notes and birthday cards.贴红纸条,燃放爆竹吓跑怪兽“年”的风俗习惯一直延续到今天。The custom of putting up red paper and lighting firecrackers to scare away nian continues today.我把钱放在信封里,并附了张纸条,解释说我很抱歉打碎了她的窗户,I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window


封缄纸条 sealing wafer

玻璃纸条 celloyarn

电报纸条 telegram slip

砂纸条 sand paper strip

纸条 paper wool

纸条式电报印字机 feeltape printer

纸条法 paper strip method

附加纸条 allonge

龈沟液取样纸条 perio paper, filter paper strip

