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宣称的英文翻译 宣称英文怎幺说 宣称的英文例句




    to assert
    to claim

assert [ә'sә:t]


claim [kleim]

    n.(根据权利提出)要求,要求权,主张,要求而得到的东西 vt.(根据权利)要求,认领,声称,主张,需要


他宣称社会对吸毒过分放纵。He claims that society has been far too permissive towards drug taking他宣称他在见到基督的幻像后得到了圣伤痕。He claims he received the stigmata after seeing a vision of christ.他宣称自己是弥赛亚…He claims that he is the messiah...一些结果并不令人吃惊:富人宣称比穷人更幸福。Some of the results are unsurprising: the rich report being happier than do the poor.约翰尼宣称在他找到一份满意的工作之前决不结婚。Johnnie declared found before a satisfactory work in him marries in noway.这位科学家宣称发现了一颗新的行星。The scientist claims to have discovered a new pl.


宣称 alleged

据宣称 it is declared that

无人宣称 it be not announced that; it can not be announced that; it may not be announced that; it must not be announced that; it should not be announced that; it will not be announced that; it would not be announced that

有人宣称 it be announced that; it can be announced that; it may be announced that; it must be announced that; it should be announced that; it will be announced that; it would be announced that

