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成本分配的英文翻译 成本分配英文怎幺说 成本分配的英文例句



[chéngběn fēnpèi]

    cost distribution;cost apportionment;cost allocation

cost [kɔst; (-) kɔ:st]

    n.成本,价钱,代价 vt.价值为,(使)花费(金钱,时间,劳力等),使失去(生命,健康等),令人付出 vi.花费

distribution [distri'bju:ʃ(ә)n]

    n.分配,分发,配给物,销售,法院对无遗嘱死亡者财产的分配,分布状态,区分,分类 发送,发行

apportionment [ә'pɔ:ʃәnmәnt]



依製造成本分配 distribution based on manufacturing cost

共同成本分配 allocation of common cost

单一共同成本分配率 single overhead allocation rate

工厂共同成本分配率 factory overhead allocation rate

成本分配 cost distribution; circulation of costs; cost apportionment

成本分配原则 principle of cost allocation; allocation-of-cost principle

成本分配的测量法 survey method of cost allocation

成本分配的观测法 survey method of cost allocation

成本分配矩阵公式 matrix formulation for cost allocation

成本分配表 cost distribution sheet

按製造成本分配 distribution on manufacturing cost

按生产人工成本分配法 productive labor cost method

服务成本分配表 distributed statement of service cost

期间成本分配 periodic allocation of cost

相互服务成本分配 reciprocal service cost allocation

研究成本分配的费用法 expense method of apportionment of research costs

计画成本分配法 planned cost distribution method

诚实成本分配契约 bona fide cost-sharing arrangement

间接成本分配 overhead cost distribution

