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承办的英文翻译 承办英文怎幺说 承办的英文例句




    to undertake
    to accept a contract

undertake [ʌndә'teik]

    vt.承担,担任,许诺,保证 v.採取

accept [әk'sept]

    vt.接受,认可,承担,承兑 vi.同意,承认

contract [kәn'trækt]

    n.合同,契约,婚约 v.使缩短,感染,订约


我这个月承办的案件数量太多了,不可能再接纳当事人了。I've got such a heavy caseload this month I couldn't possibly take on another client.这就是承办酒席工作的好处That's a great thing about catering.注册会计师承办下列审计业务:Certified public accountants shall undertake the following audit services:本供销社承办代购、代销、代储、代运业务。Our supply and marketing cooperative acts as an agency for purchase sale storage and transportation.具有主办资格的单位均具有相应的承办资格;Units qualified for hosting exhibitions have corresponding qualifications for sponsorship as well;他父亲是殡仪事务承办人His father's an undertaker.我们已设法取得承办爱丁堡那份工活的转包合同。We managed to get the subcontract for that job in edinburgh.


承办 contract; undertake

承办人 agent

承办单位 organizer

承办商 undertaker

承办案件 hold brief for

承办案件的官员 magister litis

承办汇款单位 remitting agency

承办者,承包方,承包人,承包商 contractor

承办零担运输的转运公司 firm undertaking the groupageof traf fic

投标承办 make a tender for

接手承办案件 took a brief

机构承办费 agency debt

法定公用事业承办者 statutory undertaker

订约承办人员 contractual personnel

