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指路的英文翻译 指路英文怎幺说 指路的英文例句



[zhǐ lù]

    to give directions

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步




坑洞尤指路面上的涡穴或坑洞A hole or pit, especially one in a road surface.我问路时,当地居民没一个愿意为我指路。None of the residents was very forthcoming when I asked for the way.如果你拿着地图指路,我就来开车。I'll drive the car if you hold the map and navigate.坑洞:尤指路面上的涡穴或坑洞也作Pothole a hole or pit especially one in a road surface also called chuckhole玛奇站起身来给他指路。Madge stood up to direct him.那位哲人的思想曾是许多青年的指路明灯。The philosopher's thinking is the beacon to many young people.她是几代芭蕾舞演员能指路明灯和光辉的榜样。She was a guiding light and a shining example for generitons of ballet dancers.通常英国人在街上是会给你指路的。Usual englishman or englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.谢谢你给我指路。And thanks for the directions.指路线或者行程等;连续的,不需要停止或者换乘。Of a route or journey etc.; continuing without requiring stops or changes.我真是盲人指路啊The blind leading the blind!以往的研究证明这些小昆虫把太阳当作指南针,为它们指路。Past studies have shown that the insects use the sun as a compass to show them the way.


交通指路牌 traffic direction block

刻指路记号 blaze the trail

指路 bush out; direct to; show to

指路标誌 direction sign

指路牌 finger post

