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止咳的英文翻译 止咳英文怎幺说 止咳的英文例句



[zhǐ ké]

    to suppress coughing

suppress [sә'pres]



你要服些止咳混合剂。You need some cough mixture.枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。Semifluid extract of loquat leaf removes heat from the lung dissolves phlegm and arrests cough.请问你们这儿有止咳糖浆或者含片吗?Do you have any cough syrup and lozenges?是的,好像止咳药片Yeah like cough drops.我给你开点药丸和药片,还有止咳合剂。I'll give you some pills and tablets and a cough mixture.无痰乾咳需用镇咳药止咳,以避免併发症。Nonproductive coughs need an antitussive to stop the coughing.药剂师根据处方量出一瓶止咳药水。The druggist measured out a bottle of cough mixture according to the prescription.这里有止咳糖浆吗?Do we have any cough syrup in here?止咳糖浆需要时喝一点。You can take the cough syrup as needed.半夏露等中药能止咳定喘。Some traditional chinese medicines such as pinellia syrup can help to relieve cough and asthma.


儿童止咳液 children''s cough liquid

複方贝母止咳化痰片 antitussive expectorant tablet,compound bei mu

天津止咳糖浆 Tianjin cough syrup

小儿止咳糖浆 children''s cough syrup child''s cough syrup cough syrup for children

川贝止咳糖浆 fritillary bulb cough syrup

止咳丸 cough pill

止咳枇杷沖剂 cough infusion of loquat leaf

止咳枇杷糖浆 cough syrup of loquat leaf

止咳桃花散 taohua antibechic powder

止咳止喘片 tablet of antibechic and antiasthmatica

止咳片 cough drop; cough lozenge

止咳糖 cough drop cough lozenge

止咳糖浆 cough syrup

止咳糖浆装瓶机 cough syrup bottle filler

止咳糖浆露 cough up

止咳药 antitussive

止咳药水 cough mixture

白葡止咳片 Baipu Zhike Pian

罗汉果止咳沖剂 infusion of grosvenor momordica fruit for arresting cough

