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城外的英文翻译 城外英文怎幺说 城外的英文例句



[chéng wài]

    outside of a city

outside [aut'said]

    n.外面,外表,外界 adj.外面的,外表的,外界的 adv.在外面,外表,出界 prep.在...外

city [siti]



原来你是去威廉城外的三十五团…I see you're to serve with the35th regiment of foot at fort william henry...站在房顶上,你可以看到一长串汽车不停地往城外开去。On the top of the building you can see the continuous line of cars going out of the city.1965年生于犹他州奥格登城外Born1965 just outse of ogden utah.车被发现在提华纳城外It was spotted outside tijuana.墓地位于罗马城外的一座小山上。The necropolis was located on a hill outside the city of rome.欧洲粒子物理研究所物理学家指导新的研究,它是在日内瓦城外面的粒子物理学实验室。The new research was conducted by physicists at cern the particle physics laboratory outside geneva.气象观测站在城外。The meteorological observation station stands apart from the town.台拉维夫城外还有短程飞弹You have a short-range weapons system outside tel aviv.我在城外一个秘密约会地点见到了他。I met him at a secret rendezvous outside the city.这座工厂将建在城外的一块荒地上。The factory is to be built on waste ground outside the town.座落在城外的这个人们极其嚮往的地方矗立着一座别具一格的建筑。On this much-desired spot outside the town rose a picturesque building.

