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称量的英文翻译 称量英文怎幺说 称量的英文例句



[chēng liàng]


metage [mi:tidʒ]


quantify [kwɔntifai]

    vt.确定数量 v.量化

Weighing ['weiiŋ]

    称, 权衡,权重;动词weigh的过去式和过去分词


微量天平用来称量极其小量重量的天平,精确到0。1克A balance designed to weigh very small loads, up to0.1 gram.我做饭时从来什幺也不称量,只是根据实际经验估量做。I never weigh anything when I'm cooking.I just do it by rule of t称量单元结构紧凑,可以快速转换。The weighing cells are designed as compact quick-change units.而在燕昭王时,人们亦曾试图利用杠杆方式称量巨豕之重;During the period of zhao king of the yan state people had ever tried to weigh a huge pig in lever.你无需称量那幺多盎司的黄金。You don't have to weigh out so many ounces of gold.他们用地磅称量这些沙子的重量。They are using a weighbridge to weigh the sand.


全称量词 universal quantifier

全称量词化 universal quantification

单轨称量车 monorail weight car

名称量 denominate quantity

数位顺序累计称量电子装置 digital electronic procedural accumulative scaling device

架空式钢锭回转称量机 overhead ingot turning and weighing machine

称量 tip the scale at

称量小推车 weigh-in buggy

称量控制器 weighing controller

称量机 weigher weighing machine

称量滴定管 weighing burette

称量瓶 weighing bottle

称量皮带 weighing belt

称量给料器 weigher feeder

称量货币 money by weight

称量费 weighing charges

称量车 weigh larry car

称量配料器 weigh batcher

称量配料拌和机 weigh batching mixer

称量配料斗 weigh-batching hopper

给料称量器 extractor-weigher

自动指示称量机 self-indicating weighing machine

自动称量装袋机 automatic bagging machine with weighing scale

集料称量计 aggremeter

骨料称量斗 aggregate weighing hopper

