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酗酒的英文翻译 酗酒英文怎幺说 酗酒的英文例句



[xù jiǔ]

    heavy drinking
    to get drunk
    to drink to excess

heavy [hevi]

    adj.重的,繁重的,巨大的,沉重的,阴沉的 adv.沉重地,笨重地,大量地 n.重物,严肃角色

drinking [driŋkiŋ]


get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽

drunk [drʌŋk]

    adj.喝醉了的 vbl.drink 的过去分词

drink [driŋk]

    n.饮料,酒,酗酒,一口(或一些)饮料 v.喝,喝酒,(植物、土壤等的)吸水,举杯庆贺


德利克酗酒的习惯是众所周知的。Derek "s drinking habits are proverbial.他的酗酒倾向几乎和他的诗作一样有名。His proclivity for alcohol was almost as well-known as his poetry.他对未到法定年龄的酗酒者採取强硬政策。He takes a hard line on under-age drinking.他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气They go drinking and whore just to prove how macho they are她酗酒曾是我们的攻击点Her drinking was supposedto be our silver bullet痛饮狂欢的夜晚;一群酗酒狂欢的水手;狂欢的节日。A night of bacchanalian revelry; carousing bands of drunken soldiers; orgiastic festivity.酗酒是我们手里唯一一发子弹Her drinking was supposed to be our silver bullet酗酒者;高超的玩牌者A two-fisted drinker; a two-fisted card player.也许他还暗地里酗酒。Maybe he boozes on the side.在巴黎的被流放的酗酒者——卡尔•範多伦。Alcoholic expatriates in paris-carl van doren.


酗酒 be hard at it; drink hard; hit the bottle; hit the sauce; hitted the bottle; hitted the sauce; on the drink

酗酒人 drunkard; person indulged in excessive drinking

酗酒人对侵权行为的责任 liability of a drunken person for torts

酗酒人对犯罪行为的责任 liability of a drunken person for criminal acts

酗酒犯罪 offense related to drinking

酗酒者 excessive drinker

酗酒胡闹 gone on a bat

