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callous [kælәs]



过敏性坏死反应和胼胝质的形成是2个重要的抗鏽机制。Hypersensitive reaction and callose formation were two important resistance mechanisms.胼胝马前腿内侧的小而硬的胼胝A small hard callus on the inner surface of a horse's foreleg.胼胝体某种草的小花的坚硬的、有时是尖锐的底盘The hardened sometimes sharp base of the floret of certain grasses.胼胝由于慢性的压力或摩擦的结果而导致的皮肤角质层的变厚A thickening of the horny layer of the skin as a result of chronic pressure or friction.胼胝质的染剂是苯胺蓝,间苯二酚蓝和玫红酸。Callose stains are aniline blue resorcin blue and rosolic acid.


经胼胝体入路 transcallosal approach

翅背胝 postalar callus翅背瘤

胝 calli单 callus)小瘤胝)

胼胝 callosity

胼胝体 corpus callosum

胼胝体下区 subcallosal area

胼胝体切开术 corpus callosotomy

胼胝体压部 splenium of corpus callosum

胼胝体后静脉 posterior vein of corpus callosum

胼胝体周池 cisterna pericallosa

胼胝体嘴 rostrum of corpus callosum

胼胝体干 trunk of corpus callosum

胼胝体沟 callosal sulcus

胼胝体缘动脉 callosomarginal artery

胼胝体背侧支 dorsal branch of callosal body

胼胝体背侧静脉 dorsal vein of corpus callosum

胼胝体膝 genu of corpus callosum

胼胝体辐射 radiation of corpus callosum又称"小钳"。

胼胝性溃疡 callous ulcer, indolent ulcer

胼胝质塞 callose plug

臀胝 ischial callosity

足底胼胝 plantar callus

