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续保的英文翻译 续保英文怎幺说 续保的英文例句



[xù bǎo]

    renewal of insurance

renewal [ri'nju:әl]


insurance [in'ʃuәrәns]



他们继续保持祖先们的信仰。They have continued in the faith of their fathers.英格兰和以色列互交白卷,随后在安道尔的比赛英格兰3比0获胜,继续保持不失球的纪录。The game against israel ended goalless and england defeated andorra3-0and kept another clean sheet.这个证书奖给你,希望能继续保持!This credential will be awarded to you keep it up!非国有工业继续保持较快增长势头。Non-state-owned industries continuously maintained a fast growth tendency.宿存的,不落的持续保持成熟后的状态而不凋落,如茄子的花萼或松果的鳞苞Lasting past maturity without falling off as the calyx on an eggplant or the scales of a pine cone.他对双方继续保持不偏不倚的态度。Neutral toward ( s) both sides.


一年一续的保险,一年续保条款 one-year renewable term

可续保定期保险 renewal term insurance

后续保险人 subsequent insurer

延续保险 extended cover

持续保证 continuing guarantee

持续保险 preliminary term insurance

接续保险 preliminary term insurance

每年续保制 yearly renewable term

照旧续保 as expiry

继续保 continued insurance

继续保持 hold over

继续保释 continuous bail

继续保险 continued insurance

继续保险单 running policy

续保 renewal of insurance; renewal; renew

续保保险费 renewal premium

续保手续费 renewal commission

续保收据 renewal receipt

自动恢复原保险金额条款,自动继保条款,自动续保 automatic reinstatement

连续保护期 successive terms of protection

连续保护期限 successive terms of protection

连续保证 continuing guaranty

连续保证书 continuing guaranty

