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    to grow
    to reproduce

grow [grәu]

    vi.生长,成长,渐渐变得,增长,增高 vt.种植,栽培,培育

reproduce [ri:prә'dju:s; (-) -du:s]



一位元殖民者当时意识到这是错误的,One settler knew this was wrong.一氧化氮对胃癌细胞系bgc823增殖的影响Nitric oxide affects proliferation of stomach cancer cell line bgc-823一种依靠球茎或块茎繁殖的多年生植物。A perennial plant that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers or corms.


下生殖板 hypandrium①阴部鳞板 ②肛下板=hypopygium)

不能繁殖的 sterility

专性孤雌生殖 obligate parthenogenesis偏性孤雌生殖专性孤雌生殖)

两性生殖 digenetic reproduction

中国水产养殖公司 China Aquatic Products Cultivation Corporation

中子增殖反应器 fast breeder reactor

中殖板 mesogynal plate中殖板

亚殖毛 subgenital seta亚殖毛

产两性单性生殖 deuterotoky, amphitoky

产雄单性生殖 androgenetic parthenogenesis

产雄孤雌生殖 arrhenotoky産雄单性生殖

产雌孤雌生殖 thelyotoky産雌单性生殖

产雌雄孤雌生殖 amphiterotoky=anthogenesis)産雌雄单性生殖

亲近繁殖 endogamy

人口养殖黄条 n. cultured yellowtail

人口增殖 propagation of population

人工养殖珍珠 cultured pearl

人工孤雌生殖 artificial parthenogenesis

位错增殖 dislocation multiplication

体殖产孢的 thallic

侧殖板 aggenital plate侧殖板

侧殖毛 aggenital seta侧殖毛

侧殖肛板 aggenital anal plate侧殖肛板

克隆繁殖 clonal propagation

养殖 aquiculture and poultry

养殖业 fish breeding and poultry raising; livestock breeding

养殖业管理部门 administrative department for aquaculture

养殖场 aquatic plants

养殖塘 n. culture pond

养殖池 n. culture pond

