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这种的英文翻译 这种英文怎幺说 这种的英文例句




    this kind of
    this sort of

kind [kaind]

    n.种类,性质 adj.仁慈的,和蔼的,亲切的,友爱的


一个特殊的方法被用来纯化这种物质。A special method was used to sublimate the material.一位名叫johnmontague的英格兰人在242年前发明了这种食物。Englishman john montague invented this type of food242years ago.一位名叫马克思•普朗克的德国专家显然持有这种看法。Germany expert named max planck certainly thinks so.一些非常可尊敬的作家现在已经放弃了这种主张。Most reputable writers have now abandoned this claim.一种软体标誌,在多处理机系统中,处理机之间可以根据这种标誌相互中断。A software flag by which processors in a multiprocessing system interrupt each other.一种微反应器能让农民将作物转化成燃油,这种技术促进了生物燃料的生产。A tiny reactor could boost biodiesel production by allowing farmers to convert crops to fuel.


仅为这种情形 pro hac vice

但愿老走这种好运 touch wood

在这种假定之下 on this assumption

在这种场合 in this event

在这种情况下 in such a case; in such a state of affairs

在这种条件下 with this provision

在这种理解下 on this understanding

带有这种意思 to this effect

抱着这种目标 wiht this end in view; with this end in view

甚至在这种情况下 even then

用这种或那种方法 by some means or other

用这种方式 in this fashion

用这种方法 by this means; in this fashion; in this way

这种 the kind of; this kind of

