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遮掩的英文翻译 遮掩英文怎幺说 遮掩的英文例句




    to cover
    to mask
    to cover up or conceal (the truth etc)

cover [kʌvә(r)]

    n.盖子,封面,藉口 vt.覆盖,铺,掩饰,保护,掩护,包括,包含,适用 vi.覆盖,涂,代替

mask [ma:sk; (-) mæsk]

    n.面具,掩饰,石膏面像 vt.戴面具,掩饰,使模糊 vi.化装,戴面具,掩饰,参加化装舞会

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

conceal [kәn'si:l]

    vt.隐藏,隐蔽,隐瞒 v.隐蔽


我斜面遮掩,不该你看,斜面你觉得呢?I cant conceal it dont you see cant you feel it?亚当和夏娃试图用无花果树叶遮掩他们的裸体。Adam and eve tried to hide their nakedness with fig leaves.在非国大里,她算是口无遮掩吗?Too candid for the anc?政府企图遮掩这件丑事。The government is trying to cover up the scandal.柜和柜的杠,施恩座和遮掩柜的幔子,The ark and the staves thereof with the mercy seat and the vail of the covering染红公羊皮的盖,海狗皮的顶盖,和遮掩柜的幔子,The outer cover of sheepskins coloured red and the cover of leather and the veil for the doorway;他们之间的裂痕难以遮掩。The split between them hardly be papered over.他用他的大衣遮掩。He was submerged in his overcoat.


遮掩 blot out; cast a veil; cast a veil over; draw a veil; draw a veil over; drawn a veil; drawn a veil over; drew a veil; drew a veil over; threw a veil; threw a veil over; thrown a veil

