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车费的英文翻译 车费英文怎幺说 车费的英文例句




    passenger fare

passenger [pæsindʒә(r)]


fare [feә(r)]

    n.费用,旅客,食物 vi.遭遇,进展,进步,经营,过活


停车费的收款箱。Box for collecting parking fees.拖到绘图页后,可以添加停车费的收款箱。Drag onto the page to add a box for collecting parking fees.我们在哪儿付车费。Where do we pay the fare.必须付出500美元的修车费Had to shell out$ 500in car repairs.船方不负担装入货车费。Fis freight insurance and shipping charges f.i.w.到孟斐斯的车费要多少呢?How much is the fare to memphis?基本租车费包括意外保险吗?Does the basic rental fee include accident insurance?每辆计程车都有一个算出应付车费的计程表。Each taxicab is fitted with a meter ticking off the fare due.每天费用包括三餐、酒店和汽车费用。Daily rate inclusive of per diem hotel and auto expense.你们有没有不限行车费的?Do you have anything with unlimited mileage?未能符合上列要求的乘客须支付正常即日来回车费。Passengers not meeting these requirements will be charged the normal same day return fare.我想我或许能找到工作攒足这笔车费。I thought perhaps I could find work and save up the fare.约翰付了停车费。John paid the parking fees.


不负担装卸货车费用 free in and out of trucks

停车费 parking fee

卸车费 unloading charge

存车费 parking charge

成车费用价格 n. cost

汽车费用 automobile expenses

行车费 n. running expense

装车费率 loading rate

调车费 dispatch charge

车费 carfare

车费计 taximeter

车费计算表 taximeter

运货马车费 drayage

进货搬运费,进货车费 cartage-in

销货搬运费,销货车费 cartage-out

