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车库的英文翻译 车库英文怎幺说 车库的英文例句





garage [gæra:ʒ]

    n.汽车间,修车厂,车库 v.放入车库


你又没关车库的洗涤器,You left the washer in the garage...散发着香味的茉莉花;有气味的车库Odorous jasmine flowers; odorous garbage.他把车库改造成娱乐室。He transformed the garage into a recreation room.她整天在车库里混日子,没干一点正事。She's been mucking about in the oarage all day and hasn't done any work.停车库轨道特徵见表8-5。The track characteristics of the stabling shed are described in table8-5.停车库配有保护罩供12节列车车厢组用。The stabling shed will provide protected cover for a fleet of12car train sets.停车库位于车辆段西侧。The stabling shed is located on the west side of the depot.我们不得不沖洗车库以除去汽油味儿。We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol.我们在车库里面有个成对的双人床。We got a twin bed in the garage.要把企鹅放在车库里The penguin stays in the garage.


住处和车库 homes and garages

修车库 freight car temporary repairing shed又称"修车棚"。

停车库 parking garage; carport

四侧敞开有顶棚车库 carport

地下车库 basement garage; basement parking garage; underground parking garage; underground garage

多层车库 multi-storied garage

救火车库 engine house

机车库 locomotive shed

民用汽车库 commercial garage

汽车存车库 storage garage

汽车库 garage

消防车库 fire house

消防车车库 apparatus floor; appliance room

电瓶车库 battery car room

车库 apparatus bay

车库买卖 garage sale

车库买卖合同 contract for the sale of garage

车库租赁合同 contract for the lease of garage

车库门前的铺砌区 apron

车库 garage

车库 garage

铁路机车库 railroad roundhouse

长期停车库 storage garage

