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镇静的英文翻译 镇静英文怎幺说 镇静的英文例句





calm [ka:m; (-) ka:lm]

    adj.(天气、海洋等)静的,平静的,镇静的,沉着的 v.(使)平静,(使)镇定,平息

cool [ku:l]

    n.凉爽,凉爽的空气 adj.凉爽,冷静的,无所顾虑的,淡漠的 v.使冷,使镇定


要不要我拿一针镇静剂?Should I get a sedative?耶尔法官先生又恢复了他那镇静自若的神态,说起话来调子有板有眼。Mr.justice yale had regained his composure and was speaking in measured tones.夜茶和颉草植物镇静剂也有助睡眠。Nighttime teas and the herb valerian also have been shown to aid sleep.医生开了一服镇静剂。The doctor prescribed a sedative.以镇静沉着、漠不关心的方式。In a composed and unconcerned manner.在採访中她显得异常镇静。She showed remarkable poise at the interview.在这紧急关头,你要保持镇静。At this moment of truth you must keep calm.在整个严峻考验中,他都能保持勇气和镇静。He kept his nerve throughout the ordeal.这种药使得他过分紧张和兴奋;看你怎幺安慰他,让他镇静下来。That drug has made him terribly nervous and overexcited; see what you can do to talk him down.这种药物的主要作用就是止痛和镇静Principal actions of those compounds are analgesics and sedation.镇静是一个好的开始Sedation is a great start.注射镇静剂,不要安定药!Ativan 4mg lm instead of valium!


保持镇静 hang loose; hung loose; keep cool; keep her head; keep his head; keep my head; keep one''s head; keep our heads; keep their heads; keep your hair on; keep your hairs on; keep your head; keep your heads

半镇静钢 semikilled steel

抗焦虑镇静药 anxiolytic sedative

镇静 sedateness; self poise; selfpoise

镇静催眠药 sedative hypnotic

镇静剂 tranquilizer

镇静勇敢 cool as a cucumber

镇静安定药类 sedatives and tranquilizers

镇静的 killed

镇静药 sedative

镇静药中毒 sedative poisoning

镇静钢 killed steel

