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休止的英文翻译 休止英文怎幺说 休止的英文例句



[xiū zhǐ]

    to stop

stop [stɔp]

    n.停止,车站,逗留,障碍,风琴的音栓,填塞 vi.停止,被塞住 vt.塞住,堵塞,阻止,击落,断绝,终止,难倒


这样无休止地等候公共汽车实在使我烦恼。I'm cheesed off with this endless waiting for buses.整天无休止的车来人往。The ceaseless traffic of the day.纯种家畜的养育者们为了保持纯正的动物血统无休止地製造遗传上的混乱现象。Breeders of thoroughbred animals perpetuate genetic disorders to keep pedigrees pure.他们永远猛击着岩石;流水在永恆的荒漠上永无休止地喷涌出来。They smote the rock forever and the water sprang perpetually in the perpetual desert.我对你无休止的唠叨厌烦了。I'm tired of your perpetual nagging.一个人应该多思考些问题,如果有可能的话应该乐善好施,而不是整日陷在无休止的感情中。One's interest should be contemplative and if possible philanthropic but not unduly emotional.允许他在基本事实上无休止延伸将是非常有害的法官大人Allowing him to expand upon the basic facts would be highly prejudicial your honor.宗教是一个容易引起无休止争论的弥散型话题,而有神论则不是。Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.


休止 lain dormant; lay dormant

休止位置 position of rest

休止层 tropopause

休止时间 off time

休止期 ambiguous phase, Go phase简称"Go期"。

休止着 lie dormant

休止角 angle of repose

天然休止角 natural angle of repose无粘性土堆积时,其坡面与水平面形成的最大夹角。

无休止地说 go on about; gone on about

近休止角 nearest dwell angle从动件在距凸轮轴心最近处停歇时对应的凸轮转角。

远休止角 farthest dwell angle从动件在距凸轮轴心最远处停歇时对应的凸轮转角。

