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    search for

search [sә:tʃ]

    n.搜寻,查究 v.搜索,搜寻,探求,调查


一本帮助查找你想得到但想不起来的词的词典。A thesaurus organized to help you find the word you want but cannot think of.一种供颜色查阅资料表用的颜色範围。A range of colors used to support the color look-up table.在电话簿上查找号码Consulted a telephone directory for the number.在请求的媒体上查找错误。Positioning error on requested media.在网路中查找这系列的词:短波爱国者新世界秩序新闻。Search the web for this series of words: shortwave patriot new world order news.正在查找故障转储磁片所在的存储汇流排上的磁片…Looking for disks on the same storage bus as the crash dump disk...指定要查找的敏感度:Specify the sensitivity to look for:


二叉查找树 binary search tree

互动式查找 interactive searching

分块查找 block search

首码查找 prefix search

向量查找 vector search又称"向量搜索"。

对分查找树 binary search tree

局部查找 local search

布林查找 Boolean search又称"布林搜索"。

平均查找时间 average search time

并行查找记忆体 parallel search memory

故障查找 fault location; trouble shoot; trouble shooting

故障查找时间 troubleshooting time

查找 find out

查找出 grub up

查找指令 lookup instruction

查找排除故障程式 trouble shooting procedure

查找排除故障说明书 trouble shooting manual

查找故障 find a fault; locate a fault

查找故障程式 malfunction routine

查找文件 locating file

查找最大值 search largest

查找服务 service-seeking

查找服务暂停 serviceseeking pause

查找树 search tree

查找系统 detecting piece

查找臂 seek arm

查找过程 search procedure

模糊查找 fuzzy search又称"模糊搜索"。

相似性 查找 similarity search又称"相似性搜索"。

线性查找 linear search

