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证人席的英文翻译 证人席英文怎幺说 证人席的英文例句



[zhèngrén xí]

    witness stand or box

witness [witnis]

    n.[律]证人,目击者,证据,证明,证词 vt.目击,为...作证,证明,表明 vi.作证,成为证据

stand [stænd]

    n.停止,抵抗的状态,立场,立足点,看台,架子,台 v.站,立,站起,(使)竖立,(使)位于,维持不变,持久,经受

box [bɔks]

    n.盒子,箱,包厢,岗亭,一拳 v.装...入盒中,打耳光,拳击


而我会是第一个站在证人席上指证你的人And I'll be the first one on the witness stand.法官说,从证人席上这个人的表现来看,很明显他己经被收买。The judge said it was obvious from the man's behaviour in the witness-box that he had been got at.仅仅因为她在证人席上变现得异常冷酷。Because she came off as cold in the witness chair.你别指望我在证人席上作伪证。You can't expect me to perjure myself in the witness-box.太棒了,这样正好可以出席证人席That's great that's so perfect for the witness stand他要你们定她的罪,因为她在证人席上表现得很冷淡。He wants you to convict her of murder because she came off as cold in the witness chair.他在证人席上受到痛苦的折磨。He was rather severely handled in the witness box.我被叫到了证人席。I was called to the witness box.在法庭证人席上哭泣是违法的。It is illegal to cry on the witness stand.这些你可以上证人席作证,是吧?You ii say that on the witness stand right?这阵喧哗过去,那无懈可击的爱国志士已经登上了证人席。When toned down again the unimpeachable patriot appeared in the witness-box.证人被律师带上了证人席。The witness was put in the witness box by the counsel.证人被召回到证人席。The witness is recalled to the witness box.证人席被强化的玻璃包住。The witness box was encased in strong glass.


法院的证人席 stand

站在证人席上作证 taken the stand; took the stand

证人席 witness box; witness stand

