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证物的英文翻译 证物英文怎幺说 证物的英文例句




    exhibit (law)

exhibit [ig'zibit]

    vt.展出,陈列 n.展览品,陈列品,展品 v.展示

law [lɔ:]

    n.法律,诉讼,法学,法治,司法界,规律 v.对...起诉,控告 [军] Light Anti-Tank Weapon,轻型反坦克武器


仓储管理,保证物品进出的安全性和準确性。Management of warehouse operation assure safe and effective receiving storage and delivery.我们都知道你不能毁掉证物We all know you can't destroy evidence.抓捕记录,证物记录,验尸报告Arrest record evidence log autopsy report.但这总比她让别人偷走证物的好Yeah it's not like she let someone walk off with evidence.你就必须承认毁坏重要证物You will be admitting to destroying state's evidence.你应该在检证证物时要求自我回避的You have to recuse yourself from processing evidence.这件古老的证物证明了伯多禄的遗体就在这个墓地。It was an ancient graffiti providing evidence of the presence of peter's body in the necropolis.最近发现的证物促使历史学家重新评估那一事件。Recent evidence is leading historians to reassess that event.


人证物证 human testimony and material evidence

保管证物 custody of exhibits

保证物 pledge; security

出示证物 offer an exhibit; produce an exhibit

出示证物人 exhibitor

反证物 disproof

证物 exhibit; real evidence

