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修女的英文翻译 修女英文怎幺说 修女的英文例句



[xiū nǚ]

    nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches)

nun [nʌn]


sister [sistә(r)]

    n.姐妹,姐,女会员,修女,妹 vt.姐妹般对待

roman [rәumәn]

    adj.罗马的,罗马人的 n.罗马人,罗马字体

catholic [kæθәlik]

    n.天主教徒 adj.天主教的

greek [gri:k]

    adj.希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的 n.希腊人,希腊语

orthodox [ɔ:θәdɔks]



你可玷污了你的修女You may have deflowered your vestal horn其他获奖者还包括俄国作家亚历山大?索尔仁尼琴和德蕾莎修女。Other winners have included russian writer alexander solzhenitsyn and mother teresa.它是一个园艺家培养出的森林修女-野樱桃的一个变种。It is a gardener's improvement on the vestal of the forest the wild cherry.我不是一个修女!I'm not a nun!我是全世界仅有的六名灶神修女之一I am a vestal virgin one of only six in all the world.修女过着刻板的生活。A nun's life runs in a groove.修女们让我留下来。The-the nuns let me stay.修女在这次元老的行动中没有参与过The vestal order takes no position on the actions of the senate.腰带,环带腰带或饰带,特别是系在牧师法衣上或僧侣及修女法衣上的腰带A belt or sash especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.腰带或饰带,特别是系在牧师法衣上或僧侣及修女法衣上的腰带。"A belt or sash especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun."硬披肩修女通常用来遮住颈部和双肩的浆得硬挺的布A starched cloth covering the neck and shoulders as part of a nun's habit.这是浦那的修女的请求There is this request from the sisters in poona.专门住退役修女的工会?A community of retired nuns?


修女头巾 wimple

修女薄纱 nun''s veiling

去当修女 take the vell; taken the vell; took the vell

