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超支的英文翻译 超支英文怎幺说 超支的英文例句




    to overspend

overspend [әuvә'spend]

    vt.超支,花费超出 vi.超支


我们必须使承包者遵照他们的预算办事(不许超支)We must hold the contractors to (ie not allow them to exceed) their estimates.我们又得再听一通超支危害的陈词滥调了We shall have to listen to more platitudes about the dangers of overspending.我刚刚收到我的银行结单,恐怕我已有赤字,我已超支50美元。I've just got my bank statement and I'm afraid I'm in the red. I've overspent by$ 50.但是您的帐户已超支But your checking account is overdrawn.导演不在我们超支多少How much of the overspend when the director is away?上届市政会习惯于超支。The previous city council was wont to overspend.射手座:不要为了留给他人深刻印象而超支。Don't overspend to impress others.他将冒促销预算超支的风险。He is running the risk of overspend his promotion budget.我们又得再听一通超支危害的陈词滥调了。We shall have to listen to more platitude about the danger of overspend.在娱乐方面不要超支。Do not overspend on entertainment.


使自己超支 oversend oneself

燃料超支 waste of fuel

超支 overexpenditure; overspending; excessive expenditure; overspend; overdraw; dissaving

超支信用证金额 credit amount exceeded

超支製造费用 overapplied expense

超支製造间接费用 overapplied manufacturing overhead

超支户 overdrawn depositor

超支挪用 overdraft and use of money for purposes other than originally budgeted

防止超支 prevention of overspending of appropriations

预算超支状况 budget overrun

