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嗅觉的英文翻译 嗅觉英文怎幺说 嗅觉的英文例句



[xiù jué]

    sense of smell

sense [sens]

    n.官能,感觉,判断力,见识,...感,意义,理性 vt.感到,理解,认识

smell [smel]

    n.气味,臭味,嗅觉 v.嗅,闻到,散发(...的)气味,有(...的)气味


尹的成功归功于商业的才能和政治的嗅觉。Mr yin owes his success as much to his political tact as to his business skills.由化学气体刺激嗅觉感受器而引起的感觉。By the sensation that chemical gas stimulates olfactory receptor and causes.长时间处于h2s浓度的大气中也会使嗅觉灵敏度减弱。Staying in the atmosphere with h2s for a long time will also weaken the olfaction sensitivity.这唤起了他们的嗅觉。It arouses their olfactory sense.最后,指出了当前主动嗅觉研究的主要难点。The difficulties of active olfaction are pointed out at the end.


嗅觉 olfaction

嗅觉丧失 anosmia

嗅觉仪 olfactometer嗅觉仪

嗅觉倒错 parosmia

嗅觉减退 hyposmia

嗅觉区 olfactory area

嗅觉器官 olfactory organ

嗅觉孔 olfactory pore

嗅觉学 osmology, osphresiology

嗅觉感受器 smell receptor

嗅觉条件化 olfactory conditioning嗅觉条件化

嗅觉测量法 olfactometry

嗅觉灵敏 have a good nose

嗅觉缺乏 anosmia

嗅觉计 olfactometer

嗅觉过敏 hyperosmia

嗅觉锥 olfactory cone

嗅觉阈限 olfactory threshold

嗅觉障碍学 osmonosology

有政治嗅觉 have a scent for politics

特异嗅觉细胞 odor specialist cell特异嗅觉细胞

精密嗅觉计 exactolfactometer

