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争取的英文翻译 争取英文怎幺说 争取的英文例句




    to fight for
    to strive for
    to win over

fight [fait]

    n.打架,战斗,斗志 vi.打仗,搏斗,对抗,打架 vt.与...打仗,指挥战斗,反对...提案

strive [straiv]



在选举之前争取选民的支持To woo the voters before an election争取爱尔兰统一的运动。The campaign for a united ireland争取妇女解放的斗争。The battle for women's liberation.争取妇女权利的旗手。A standard-bearer for women's rights争取工资和工作条件的罢工。A strike over pay and conditions.争取辛巴威和纳米比亚解放行动纲领;Programme of action for the liberation of zimbabwe and namibia;争取青少年的、移民的、苏格兰人的…选票的努力Attempts to win the teenage immigrant scottish etc vote争取全国最低工资制运动;Campaign for a national minimum wage;争取提名的竞争非常激烈。Competition for the nomination was very keen.争取一切可能争取的人。Win over all who can be won over.争取自由并无捷径,你必须为之奋斗。There is no royal road to freedom; you have to fight for it.


不争取会员协定 no raiding agreement

为争取...的营造权而投标 make a bid for

为争取时间而拖延 play for time

争取 strive; striven

争取使...得到通过 fight through

争取存款竞争 competition in securing deposits

争取完成 shoot for

争取市场 capture market

争取市场的工具 tools to gain market

争取按期完成任务 work against time

争取提高工资 push for higher wages

争取提高工资的斗争 wage war

争取时间 race against time

争取最好的结果 prepare for the worst; strive for the best

争取策略 acquisition strategy

争取贷款规模 winning larger credit scale

争取过来 gain over

努力争取 make a dead set at; strain after

将争取过来 argue round

急于争取 fall over oneself for

把...争取过来 win around

拚命争取 strain after

