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癥结的英文翻译 癥结英文怎幺说 癥结的英文例句




    hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine)
    crux of an issue
    main point in an argument

hard [ha:d]

    adj.硬的,坚固的,(问题,工作等)困难的,艰苦的,猛烈的,确实的 adv.努力地,辛苦地,坚硬地,牢固地,接近地,猛烈地

lump [lʌmp]

    n.块(尤指小块),肿块,笨人 vt.使成块状,混在一起,忍耐,笨重地移动 vi.结块

abdomen [æbdәmәn]


chinese [tʃai'ni:z]

    adj.中国的,中国人的,中国话的,汉语的 n.中国人,中国话,汉语,中文

medicine [meds(ә)n; (-) 'medisn]

    n.药,医学,内科学,内服药 vt.给...用药

crux [krʌks]


issue [iʃu:]

    n.出版,发行,(报刊等)期、号,论点,问题,结果,(水,血等的)流出 vi.发行,流出,造成...结果,进行辩护,传下 vt.使流出,放出,发行(钞票等),发布(命令),出版(书等)发给 [律]子女,后嗣

main [mein]

    n.主要部分,体力,力量,大陆,要点,干线 adj.主要的,重要的,全力的 n.[计] 主群组

point [pɔint]

    n.点,尖端,分数,要点,分数 vt.弄尖,指向,指出,瞄準,加标点于 vi.指,指向,表明


现在我们来谈问题的癥结所在Now we come to the crux of the problem.裁减军备协定难以达成,癥结在于如何证实(如检查武器确已销毁)。Verification (eg Checking that weapons have been removed) could be an obstacle to an arms agreement.整个事情的癥结是因为他忌妒。The key to the whole affair was his jealousy.差劲的政府是问题的癥结所在。The crux is bad government.我希望我们能确定电视机所出毛病的癥结所在。I hope we can home in on what's causing the problems with this tv set.现在我们来谈问题的癥结。Now we come to the crux of the matter.这就是问题的癥结所在。And that is the crux of the matter.但是,癥结还在于体制。The sticking point lies in system.如何具体地分割土地成了和谈的主要癥结。Exactly how the land is to be divided up is the main sticking point of the peace talks.主要癥结是整合与广告伺服器。The main sticking point is the integration with the ad servers.


发现癥结所在 got to the heart of; gotten to the heart of

尿毒癥结肠炎 uremic colitis

探求问题的癥结所在 locate the real problem

